Monday, March 8, 2010

Top of the charts and Scrap Metal

I'm currently playing Scrap Metal, an XBLA game set to release this week along side Perfect Dark in Microsoft's Xbox Live Block Party. I got a review code for the game and have been playing it before its release, alongside maybe 20 other people. Of course, this means the leaderboards are pretty bare right now.

Since I've been playing as much as I can to write a review early, I've found that I'm frequently on top of the overall leaderboard for Xbox Live. Hooray for me!

I sincerely doubt I'd be on top of any leaderboard on Xbox Live ever. Of course, this rare occasion is now documented so no one can ever say that I've never led anything in my life. My kills ranking on Modern Warfare 2 is well into the 3 millions, as is my score and wins ranking. Scrap Metal is about the only game I'll ever be "the best" at. I think I'm OK with that.

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