The gun doesn't hurt the attacker, instead the light allows you to hurt the enemy. Alan Wake fights the forces of darkness with light. Great effects as the enemy blows up in sparks. Sound design and narrative add to the drama. An unknown force is lifting objects, hurling them at Alan. The locals have been taken by the darkness. The camera and action slows down to show an enemy attacking but that doesn't mean you can react, you are already attacked. Alan Wake starts a generator to create a safe haven of light. Shooting an enemy with a flare gun created a burst of light that pushes enemies over a cliff. The darkness even takes control of a bull dozed that demolish the building Alan is in. Enemies pour out of the darkness, leaving an ally in light as a trap almost.
An NPC dies and the facial animations portray a lot of the drama. Running from another construction vehicle in a car, you run down enemies who are in a weakened state from the headlights. More pages are found at a light house. The light house shuts down and Alan realizes that he has sprung a trap. A "To Be Continued" card is displayed.
This sounds really cool... The way you talk about it reminds me of the game "Obscure" (light hurts enemies.